Enroll Your Explorer In One VINS Summer Camp Programs
Mar 08, 2023 06:45PM ● By Stephanie Hatley
The PEEPS offerings are for children ages four and five or entering kindergarten. There are two camps in June: Fairies and Friends ($125) and Up in the Air! ($175). Both will be held at the VINS Nature Center. Five more summer camps are available in July and August.
The FLEDGLINGS offerings are for children entering grades one to three. There are four camps in June at the VINS Nature Center: Art in the Wild ($225), Junior Naturalist ($225), Survival Superpowers ($300), and Woodland Scouts ($300). There are 18 more camps offered throughout the summer. There are 11 more offerings in July and August for this age group.
For students entering grades four through six, there are two camps in June: Animal Architects ($255) and SOAR Camp ($330), which are also held at the VINS Nature Center. Finally, students entering grades six through eight can sign up for Eagles on Target ($225) or Keepers of the Animals ($330) at the VINS Nature Center in June. In July and August, there are three overnight camp options as well as an advanced summer camp.
If you’d like to learn more, contact the Vermont Institute of Natural Science via phone (802) 359-5000 ext. 245 or email [email protected]. You can also visit the VINS website for more information or to register your child. It's a great way to encourage your child to appreciate the outdoors while learning in a fun environment!
For the full schedule click here.