LSC's Director of Coaching Talks Adult Pick-Up Games
Jan 18, 2018 08:41PM ● By Linda Ditch
Do you feel the need to run around, but the weather isn’t cooperating? The Lightning Soccer Club (LSC) offers adult pick-up games on Thursday nights at Kimball Union Academy’s indoor turf field in Meriden.
Charles Mhlauri, Director of Coaching for LSC, answers a few questions about the pick-up games.
Q: What skill levels participate in the pick-up games?
A: There is no skill level required. We have guys that played professional, college, high school, and rec all in one basket playing and competing.
Q: Do you have new players each week?
A: We have a consistent group for the most part, and we always have new players coming in on a weekly basis. We draw most of our players from the Upper Valley. There is always traffic from incoming new employees and visiting people who want to have a run. I would say we draw most of our players from Dartmouth College staff, Dartmouth Hospital, local schools, local industries, and the general population. It’s always co-ed, and there is always room for anyone who wants to play.
Q: What are the games like? Do you have referees, timekeepers, and so on?
A: No referees. We manage it ourselves. We agree that it is a barbarian’s game played by gentlemen. We keep time and make the calls ourselves, and we’re pretty mature about that. We play mostly small-sided 8 vs. 8 games. At times, we have two games going at the same time and rotate teams. On a given day, you play about three small-sided games for about 15 to 20 minutes each game. At times, depending on numbers, we go full field.
Q: Why do you like to participate?
A: This is mostly for recreational and exercise purposes. I don’t like to go to the gym or on a road run. Each time I jump on the treadmill or go on a run, I lose interest quickly. It’s easier to exercise doing something I like, and soccer is a good option for me. I can run forever as long as there is a ball somewhere in the mix.
Q: Anything else you’d like to add?
A: “Soccer is not a matter of life and death. It’s much more important more than that.” (Bill Shankly). That’s why you will find guys in winter removing snow to just kick around.
The cost is a $5 drop-in fee per night. (Exact change is appreciated.) All proceeds go to the LSC Scholarship Fund. Registration is required. Participants will be asked to sign a liability release before participating in their first session.
Email Charles at [email protected] to register. For more info, visit the LSC website,